

Recently we aired a podcast episode about a day in the life of a daycare, and in that conversation, we mentioned just briefly other childcare options like a nanny and babysitter.  We thought we’d do a deeper dive into those options, since a lot of parents might...
A Day in the Life of a Day Care

A Day in the Life of a Day Care

The US has over 634,000 day care centers. 58% of working parents with children five & younger — or about 6.38 million parents across the nation — use center-based child care options, according to estimates from the National Household Education Survey. May 2021...
School Safety

School Safety

On this podcast, if you’ve listened any length of time, you’ve probably heard us talk about schooling or education.  We’ve interviewed teachers, parents—about various types of schools and school programs.  Renee & I chose different routes of education...
Saving Money for Christmas

Saving Money for Christmas

https://www.focusonthefamily.ca/content/51-ways-to-budget-for-christmas?_ga=2.169822561.1908202376.1700676418-147274649.1700676418 While Christmas is one of the most highly anticipated holidays of the year, it can also be an especially stressful time for families...


Read business & professional development these days and you’ll find the word MENTOR mentioned frequently.  Mentors are not just for professional settings, though.  We have an organization in our community that mentors homeless people who sign up for...
Abundance (in Suffering)

Abundance (in Suffering)

Jesus came that we may have life and have it to the full.  Even when I’m grieving?  Even when my heart is broken?  Even when I’ve been betrayed or when my health is threatened?  Is there abundance THEN?   There’s this weird little verse...