by justaskyourmompodcast | Oct 11, 2021 | All Grown Up, Family Topics, Health, Marriage, Teenagers, Wellbeing
As parents concerned about our kids’ whole development—including MORAL—I think this topic may dog us, exhaust us, plague us like no other in parenting. When our kids reach school age (actually before that in many cases) and our sphere of influence changes, they...
by justaskyourmompodcast | Oct 4, 2021 | Family Topics, Teenagers, Toddlers
As our guest today, we are breaking the “just ask your mom” mold and talking with a DAD, who also happens to be a financial advisor, and who ALSO happens to be Renee’s husband, David, who many of you only know by the vaguely embarrassing comments Renee has dropped...
by justaskyourmompodcast | Sep 27, 2021 | Family Topics, Teenagers, Toddlers
Sibling Relationships are as old as time. Cain & Abel, Jacob & Esau, Joseph & his brothers. Even Jesus was ribbed by his brothers. Those in the Christian community often refer to one another as “brothers and sisters,” which is probably...
by justaskyourmompodcast | Sep 20, 2021 | All Grown Up, Books, Family Topics, Health, Marriage, Uncategorized, Wellbeing
Megyn Kelly did a 2018 TODAY interview in a segment called “Mommy Burnout”. She spoke with 3 moms in their 30’s-40’s who were eager to start a conversation about moms and alcohol because of their own cringey experiences....
by justaskyourmompodcast | Sep 13, 2021 | All Grown Up, Family Topics
[not a direct transcript or summary] Having a baby is arguably the most life-upending event in a person’s life. Renee and I have both been through it—twice each—and I think we’d both admit there was a definite line drawn of life BEFORE and AFTER that first child...
by justaskyourmompodcast | Sep 7, 2021 | All Grown Up, Family Topics, Teenagers
This topic is from a listener suggestion. Because of where we are in life, we know a lot of moms who are close to being empty nesters. They’ve raised one or two older kids and now they’ve got their last one (the youngest) left at home. The home stretch! ...