About Us

Bonnie Blaylock and Renee Sproles are two Southern moms on the backside of raising kids. They have 4 kids, over 50 years of marriage, and 40 years of parenting mistakes, successes, and experience between them. They’re not perfect (but why would you want to be?), and they’re still learning and growing, trying to give themselves and others grace through the rewards and challenges that come with parenting.
Renee Sproles
Renee was born and raised in middle Tennessee. She’s been married to her husband, David, for over 25 years and together they’ve raised two children, Emma and Houston, both now in their 20’s and married–with their first grandchild on the way. Renee made the choice to homeschool both of her children. As part of that path, she co-founded a community-wide tutorial co-op, for which she still teaches. Renee served as the director for the School of Christian Thought in Murfreesboro, and has team-taught parenting classes and family classes with her husband for over 20 years. She is also an author, speaker, and mentor. Fun Fact: Renee loves to cook and is a world-class foodie.

Bonnie Blaylock
Bonnie comes from a military family and lived a nomadic childhood before settling in middle Tennessee, where she lives with her husband, Bob, of 30 years. They raised two children, Savannah and Ben, both now in their 20’s. After co-owning and operating a veterinary hospital with her husband for over 20 years, they are now semi-retired. She’s an author (bonnieblaylock.com) and contributor to several online publications. Her novel, Light to the Hills, was published in Dec 2022. She’s team-taught parenting classes with her husband for over 20 years and has been involved in mentoring young women and families. Fun Fact: Bonnie is a beekeeper and lives on a small farm.