• What is it?
  • Who gives it?
  • Who steals it?

What’s an abundant life?  

John 10:7-10

7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

What’s the life that Jesus came to give us?  Life…in its fullest measure.  

Cognate: 4053 perissós (an adjective, derived from 4012 /perí, “all-around, excess”) – properly all-around, “more than” (“abundantly”); beyond what is anticipated, exceeding expectation; “more abundant,” going past the expected limit (“more than enough . . . “). See 4052 (perisseuō).

4053 /perissós (“all-around, equidistant”) in John 10:10

Jn 10:10: “I came in order that they [believers] might continuously have life, even that they may continuously have it all-around (4053 /perissós).”

Survival vs. Revival

Why are so many of us out here just surviving?  Ask many of us how we’re doing & our typical answer might be “Well, I’m making it.”  “I’m operating in survival mode.”  “

When Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that He has come to give us LIFE IN ITS FULLEST MEASURE, is surviving another 24 hours what He had in mind?  

Instead of having that continuous, all-around life? Don’t most of us yearn for a crazy, overflowing, more than enough, daring life?   Is that something we even actually desire anymore or have we settled for so much less?  Are we so tired & burdened we don’t even bother imagining that?  

Jesus says that HE gives abundant life!  “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.”

John Piper: The point of saying this is that the sheepfold itself represents safety and protection. But sheep don’t want to stay there. In fact, they will die if they stay in the safety of the fold. They want green pastures and still waters.

And I think that when Jesus says in verse 10, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly,” he means, “I came that they might be saved and go out and come and find pasture” — protection and plenty, solid safety and deep soul satisfaction. Abundant life is not about having stuff. It’s about having peace, having joy, having God.  That continuous abundance all around.  

This is why we can go in and out with him. He died for our sins, so that we are forgiven and have access to God. And he was raised to be the great Shepherd of the sheep (Hebrews 13:20–21). Today. Alive. Leading us again and again to protection and pasture — life and abundant life.

Jesus uses the shepherd/sheep analogy on purpose. In Kenneth Bailey’s book, The Good Shepherd, he describes the way Middle Eastern communities worked.  Early in the mornings, families let their small flocks out of their walled courtyards where they’d spent the night with the families. They’re anxious to get out, hungry from being up all night. They mingle together in the busy morning streets…. baa-ing and flocking together, used to the routine of going out to graze for the day.  

As the herded, mixed up flocks get to the end of the village’s street, where the land opens up to pasture, the shepherds don’t wrangle the sheep & separate them, pushing & shoving to sort them all out.  They simply stand in the opening, and each one calls.  THE SHEEP KNOW THEIR SHEPHERD’S VOICE.  They answer his particular call, divide themselves up, get in line and & follow their shepherd in streams out to graze for the day.  

It’s a KNOWING, not just a HEARING.  They FOLLOW when he CALLS.  The shepherd is their home, their safe place, their protection and sustenance.   

My people are destroyed by lack of knowledge…   (Hosea 4:6)

This is eternal life, that they may know…

Body, soul, spirit… there’s knowing and there’s KNOWING

  • reading the manual on swimming and jumping in pool
  • reading James Dobson Preparing for Adolescence or going through puberty
  • watching someone ride a bike and riding a bike

Neil Anderson: We are given the mind of Christ. HS indwells you. Active engagement to change the way you think. Step by step, working out your salvation with fear and trembling.

Deeper and deeper knowing with Jesus.

Mind of Christ – Who are you?

We renounce the lie that we are rejected, unloved or shameful. In Christ we are accepted. God says

  • You are God’s child [see John 1:12].
  • You are Christ’s friend [see John 15:5].
  • You have been justified [see Romans 5:1].
  • You are united with the Lord, and I am one spirit with Him [see 1 Corinthians 6:17].
  • You have been bought with a price. I belong to God [see 1 Corinthians 6:19-20].
  • You are a member of Christ’s Body [see 1 Corinthians
  • 12:27].
  • You are a saint, a holy one [see Ephesians 1:1].
  • You have been adopted as God’s child [see Ephesians
  • You have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit [see Ephesians 2:18].
  • You have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins [see Colossians 1:14]
  • You are complete in Christ [see Colossians 2:101.

I renounce the lie that I am guilty, unprotected, alone or abandoned. In Christ I am secure. God says

  • You are free from condemnation [see Romans 8:1-2].
  • You can be assured that all things work together for good [see Romans 8:28].
  • You are free from any condemning charges against me [see Romans 8:31-341.
  • You cannot be separated from the love of God [see Romans 8:35-39].
  • You have been established, anointed and sealed by God [see 2 Corinthians 1:21-22].
  • You can be confident that the good work God has begun in me will be perfected [see Philippians 1:6].
  • You are a citizen of heaven [see Philippians 3:20].
  • You are hidden with Christ in God [see Colossians
  • You have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and discipline [see 2 Timothy 1:7].
  • You can find grace and mercy to help in time of need [see Hebrews 4:16].
  • You are born of God and the evil one cannot touch me [see 1 John 5:18].

I renounce the lie that I am worthless, inadequate, helpless or hopeless. In Christ I am significant. God says 

  • You are a branch of the true vine, Jesus, a channel of His life [see John 15:1,5]. 
  • You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world [see Matthew 5:13-14].
  • You have been chosen and appointed by God to bear fruit Isee John 15:16].
  • You are a personal, Spirit-empowered witness of Christ’s [see Acts 1:8].
  • You are a temple of God [see 1 Corinthians 3:16].
  • You are a minister of reconciliation for God [see 2 Corinthians 5:17-21].
  • You are God’s coworker [see 2 Corinthians 6:1].
  • You are seated with Christ in the heavenly realm [see
    Ephesians 2:6].
  • You are God’s workmanship, created for good works [see Ephesians 2:101.
  • You may approach God with freedom and confidence [see Ephesians 3:12].
  • You can do all things through Christ who strengthens me [see Philippians 4:13]

My sheep know my voice: Written and Spoken Word of Jesus (John 10:27-28 My sheep know my voice.)

  • Logos word of God: written word AND Jesus himself Beginning of John’s gospel: In the beginning was the Word (logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 
  • Rhema word of God: literally, an utterance, the HS inside of you hearing from Jesus In Matthew 4:4 Jesus said, ‘”It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every rhema that proceeds out through the mouth of God.”‘

Example of memorizing scripture once and allowing the HS to bring it to mind whenever he pleases.

Jesus says He intends for us to have a life that overflows with FRUIT.  It’s a gardening and harvest image. One with un-containable bounty.  Abundant peace, joy, goodness, kindness, gratitude, mercy, forgiveness, humility, simplicity and most of all….connection with the Father.  Being rooted & planted in Him like a plant in rich, fertilized soil.  That’s not a SURVIVAL life, it’s a REVIVAL life.  

Revival comes from a fresh view of God’s glory, being humbled & broken in His presence, repentant & transfused with His love & power.  Knowing His voice & being led by it.  

How Will You Know?

  • If Jesus provides grace and mercy to help you in your time of need, if you never have a time of need?
  • If you are growing the Holy Spirit fruit of patience if you never have to be patient w/ your husband or kids?
  • If you’ll love your enemies if you don’t have any enemies?

Wrong Definition of Abundance

  • American definition: happiness, smooth sailing, financially comfortable etc
  • Scripture’s definition: all resources to help you whatever may come

So why don’t we have it?

  • Don’t claim it.
  • Know it but don’t KNOW it.
  • Sketchy on our connection to Father and ability to know Jesus’ voice.
  • Example of infant: knows mother’s voice instantly but don’t really know; talk about how you grow from screaming for your needs to maturing into independence (5 yr old vs 15 yr old)

Beauty of the growth! Why do we think that we are deficient or have wasted years? Grace to grow. Father of lies… when you believe a lie, you agree with the father of lies. We’re infants who grow to maturity. Satan wants to steal our joy as we learn to listen to Jesus’ voice.

Who Steals, Kills and Destroys?

The thief.  There are thieves in the village (that lift the sheep over the walls of the family courtyards), thieves in the wilderness (bandits, who snatch a sheep from the end of the line as they’re going out), and wild animals (wolves, bears, panthers).  

Satan hates it when we begin to know & follow that voice.  He’s working constantly to get us to listen to a bunch of other voices & noise!   When we begin to step into the abundance of dwelling with God, we gain new territory…Enemy hates to lose ground, so he sends a spirit of fear in hopes we’ll shrink back and grow small and stay in the same place, just surviving, just barely making it. Not daring to hope for more.

 We’re suggesting 3 things that can do a real number on getting from survival to revival.  


I want friends who’ll lower me through the roof to Jesus,  people who actively seek my best—intercessors and truth tellers (not toxic empathy). I want friends who will worship my chains to the floor when I’m in bondage & who will call me out of the grave. Give some folks permission to really speak to you!! Why are we in community if we can’t do that?  Community isn’t just for playdates & salad lunches. We can do that all day long and never mature spiritually. 

Listen—There’s room in your HEART for everyone—we can love/serve others all day long.  But there’s not room in your CAR.  Be really careful/selective about who you choose to travel through life with.  

Personalities: some are better at receiving correction than others.

Misery loves company…don’t pull up a chair until you know who’s around the table. Be wise where you sit, aware of who invited you and discern if you’ll be pulled down to a lower standard or called up to a higher purpose.  If your marriage is going thru a rough spot, for goodness sake don’t be hanging out with other people who’re in the same place!  If it feels like your kids are off the rails (& it’s SUCH a constant swim upstream in our culture!), maybe find other moms/families who seem to have a handle on things & watch/learn—or at the very least, families who have weathered some storms and come thru the hardships. (Can we talk about what we did wrong as young adults?)


Comparison with Others vs. Comparison with Past Selves

  • Small, fearful
  • Won’t try
  • Someone is already doing that better than I can…
  • Writing a book example for each of us

Prayer Mentoring Community Exercise

Each of us has a gift, a superpower, a thing that we’re tremendously better at doing than other people. 

Apparently some computer coders are literally 1000 times better than other coders. (How wonderful to find that one, right?) What a skill, or gift. Uniquely precious.

Teaching is a gift. Preaching is a gift. Evangelism, worship, leading worship. 

But also writing, hospitality, art, dance. Entomology, geology, meteorology. 

Healing, deliverance, counseling.

The thing about our superpowers, though, is that they are hard to see, because for us, what we do is normal—probably even easy!—and so it doesn’t feel special. 

We usually need other people to point out our superpowers. 

So ask!

Send an email (or texts) to half a dozen or a dozen people who have known you for more than three years. Ask, “What do you see as my Unique Capability? What do I naturally do better than most other people?”

You have a uniquely-you thing in life, that you are supremely gifted at doing.

I want you to celebrate it as much as God did when he gave it to you.

This involves taking every thought captive in obedience to Jesus

  • The negative (replace with truth!)
  • And the true (celebrate!)

Social Media vs Personal Interactions: 

Studies have shown that while self-disclosure and active interaction with others might be related to better well-being and positive mental states, excessive engagement on social media could be associated with poor well-being, loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

Facebook use predicts upward social comparison, which negatively influences individuals’ self-esteem and well-being over time.

Instagram use has a direct negative effect on psychological well-being 

Social media use is a strong predictor of social comparison, which causes fear of missing out and depressive symptoms through rumination.

Social media users experience a sense of competition rather than receive informational, instrumental, or emotional support.

Why do we instantly think “I should be doing that” when we hear from a friend?

  • Hey, Bonnie, I’m drinking collagen in the morning…
  • Collaboration gone wrong!
  • Measure your own growth.

An abundant life most of the time isn’t an extravagant, larger-than-life, name in lights life.  1 Thess 4:11 –make it your aim to live a quiet life, multiplying what you’re given & returning it with abundance.

***Value of measuring yourself against your own growth. Keep your eyes on your own paper, sisters!!  


Vulnerability, humility, and forgiveness bring abundance.  We often believe the opposite!  (which of course would be a lie!)  This CREATES connection, not severs it.

James 5:16 Confess your sins to one another and you WILL be healed. Not you MAY be healed.

Listen. If we are not living an abundant life, this may be the key. 

Neil Anderson, Bondage Breaker book that we read in small group in the 90’s… group of prayers (repent/confess, renounce etc) 1998 Renee thought having information about confessing was the same AS confessing. Story about inviting Bonnie and Dawn.

We need to sweep those rooms & make them beautiful.  Not just the main areas but the closets & cabinets we’ve shoved stuff in and don’t really want to think about.  

I’m pretty sure most of us walk around—consciously or not—in a fairly clenchy state of being. We’re white-knuckling it through the days, swayed by fear, wrapped up in worry, longing with all of our beings to be KNOWN and SEEN but desperately afraid of that at the same time.  Our God knows us and sees us and HE IS SO GENTLE.  


Forgiveness & confession go hand in hand with those COMPANIONS you choose.  Lack of forgiveness is 100% enemy-held territory.  It will bring you sickness, disease, inflammation…it is generational.  

Forgive your parents. Forgive your spouse. Forgive your children (your teens/young adults). Yourself! This is serious because if you are holding on to unforgiveness, you are in a hostage situation!!  You’ve seen the movies; you can imagine what that feels like.  

Jesus taught us to pray (Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 6)

And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And he goes on to explain:

14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

If you can’t forgive, you DON’T UNDERSTAND the gospel. There’s knowing and there’s KNOWING.

Ask forgiveness ALOUD. Confess your sins ALOUD. (Freedom Prayer plug)

Spiritual amnesia effect.

QUESTION: How many of you have parents who have asked you for forgiveness?  How many of you have asked your children that?   

Who “HOLDS AN EMOTIONAL CHARGE” for you?  (explain and talk about small things vs big things… BIG rocks vs. lots of small ones)

Maybe there were things you needed they couldn’t or didn’t give you. Maybe there were things your grown children needed that you couldn’t or didn’t provide. We’ve lived enough & seen enough to know that that’s not just a maybe—PROBABLY there were.  Let God deal with that. He’s ransomed you already.  The thieves & hijackers got their payment when the first nail was driven into His hands.  Why are you still crouching over there small & bound up?  

Maybe do this for a minute? PRAY: Sit with God & let Him bring some names to mind. Freedom & Abundance will follow.  

You and Jesus Make the Pastures Green!

John 10:9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.